Craigclowan School & Pre-school welcomed a team of inspectors from Education Scotland in January 2023 and the reports were published on 07 March 2023. We are delighted that the reports highlight a wide range of our strengths, including:
- “high levels of attainment and achievement across the school”
- “enthusiastic, confident, hardworking and articulate children who demonstrate kindness to each other”
- “exceptional quality of the relationships between children and staff”
- “children feel safe, respected and valued as individuals”
- “the dedicated staff team have a shared focus on nurture, inclusion and providing the right level of support for all children”
- “children at all stages are supported to be successful. Their individual strengths and talents are recognized and nurtured by staff”
Why not come along and see for yourself why these are such exciting times at Craigclowan.
Inspection Reports
Summarised Inspection Findings - School
Summarised Inspection Findings - Pre-school
Period Products Statement on Exercise of Functions
Our accounts for 2022-23 can be found here.